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 2/28/2011 Financial closing of Serrano Park (Spain)

Serranopark, S.A., participated by Iridium Concesiones de Infraestructuras, S.A. at 30% and by Iridium Aparcamientos, S.L. at 20% closed the Financing for three parking lots in Calle Serrano, Madrid, on the 26th of February.

In addition to the remodelling of the actual street, the concession, with a temporary 40-year extension from 2008 and a total investment of 140.5 million Euros, will also provide the zone with 3,297 parking spaces, most of which (2,350 spaces) are for right of use by the residents in the surrounding area.

The project financial structure comprises a 24-year bank loan for 53.3 million Euros provided by a pool of four banks consisting of Banesto, ICO, West LB and Unicaja.
It was put into service on the 11th of March 2011.

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