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 Bidelán A8 / AP 1
 Concession details
 Location: Spain
 Concessionaire Company: Bidelan Guipuzkoako Autobideak
 Stake: 50%
Stake sold in 2015
 Size of investment: €60 million
 Contract term: 2003 - 2013 (2018)
 Project description: Contract to maintain, conserve and operate Motorway 48 in the historic area of Guipúzcoa along the Guipúzcoa section (78.4km) and the Vitoria - Eibar Motorway (45 km). The contract is for 10 years, with the possibility of a 5 year extension for each of the sections.
 Interesting facts: In 2008, Bidelán A8 and Bidelán AP1 merged.

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