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 León de Carranza – Cádiz bridge
 Concession details
 Location: Spain
 Concessionaire Company: León de Carranza – Cádiz bridge
 Original stake: 100 %
The contract was awarded to Bética Autopistas, which merged with Aumar in 1986.
 Contract term: It was built in 1969 by the company Dragados y Construcciones and the concession was awarded to Bética Autopistas that same year.
 Project description: Concession to build, maintain and operate the José León de Carranza bridge (better known as the Puente Carranza), with a length of 1400m. The bridge joins Cadiz with Puerto Real and is part of the N-443. It has a movable central section to allow boats to pass located towards the Carraca base and the San Fernando shipyards. The bridge entered into service on 4 November 1969.

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