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 A21- Autovía del Pirineo
 Concession details
 Location: Spain
 Concessionaire Company: Autovía del Pirineo, S.A.
 Stake: 26%
 Size of investment: € 241 million
 Contract term: 2009 – 2039
 Toll system: Shadow Toll Motorway
 Project description: Concession project for the design, construction, financing, operation and maintenance of the Autovia del Pirineo - Pyrenean Dual Carriageway (Navarra). The dual carriageway will be divided in Navarra into six sections. The project comprises the execution and operation of section 4, Venta de Judas-Yesa (10.155 km) and section 5, Yesa-L.P. Zaragoza (6.526 km). The contract also includes the operation and conservation of all the already executed or being executed sections, with the concessionary company being responsible for their adequate maintenance during the concessionary period. The total length of the dual carriageway to be operated is 46.097 km.

The road opened to traffic on January 26th, 2012.


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