Iridium is awarded the thirty-year concession for the University Hospital of Toledo in Spain, with an investment of 160 million Euros.
The consortium in which Iridium holds a 33.3% participating interest has been awarded the contract for the design, construction, financing and operation of the University Hospital of Toledo, which includes not only the drafting and completion of the works of the New Hospital of Toledo, but also the provision of various non-clinical services in three hospitals and in 4 more specialty centers in the province of Toledo.
This is the largest concession contract in Spain to be awarded in the last three years.
The investment in construction is around 160 million Euros, with a completion time of 14.5 months having been offered and an operating period of 28.5 years. The construction joint venture is made up of Dragados, OHL and Acciona Infraestructuras, with one-third stakes each.
The ten services to be provided include cleaning, maintenance, catering and laundry. The scope of the concession also includes the acquisition, installation and maintenance of all the information and communication technology necessary for the new Toledo hospital to operate, with an approximate value €6.5 million, as well as general and clinical equipment and furniture for the new infrastructure.
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