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 04/15/2015 Awarded the New Champlain Bridge (Canada)

Iridium is awarded the thirty four-year concession for the New Bridge for the St. Lawrence Corridor Project in Canada, with an investment of 3,400 million canadian dollars.

Through its Canadian subsidiaries ACS Infrastructure Canada, Iridium Concesiones has been named Preferred Proponent by the Federal Government of Canada to design, build, finance, operate and maintain the New Bridge for the St. Lawrence Corridor Project (NBSLC). The new project will replace the existing Champlain bridge, a strategic infrastructure for commuters in Montreal metropolitan area and for cross-border international trade.

The scope of the NBSLC Project includes the construction of a new 3.3km long bridge over the St. Lawrence River, with a 430m cable-stayed main span, as well as the approaching infrastructure and the reconfiguration of the federal portions of the adjacent existing highways. The design and construction works will be undertaken by a joint venture of construction companies of which ACS Group has a 50% share through its Canadian subsidiaries Dragados Canada and Flatiron. The new bridge is due for completion in December 2018, with the remaining work to be substantially finalized by 2019.

Commercial Close and Financial Close are targeted for July 2015.

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